Hey there lovely people. Hope youre having a great day and that the week ahead is looking sufficiently happy for you.
Firstly I wanted to say hi and catch up really as its been a while since I put anything remotely personal on the blog. Ive just been looking at the blog info related to this blog and was pretty much bowled over sideways when I read it had had more than 22, 000 views since starting. Sheesh! Thank you to every single person who has taken the time to have a peek, to browse or to come back regularly to the blog. A little idea that came from a mixture of frustration and excitement has become a blog that you guys seem to enjoy. Thank you to all who have chosen to submit their beautiful photos and to the gorgeous messages you included. Ive felt totally blown away by your personal messages.
Ive been thinking a lot lately about the blog and trying to decide where I should take it, or should I just leave it be. For those of you who dont know, we have a very busy, very happy "nearly one year old" little lady. As she is becoming more active, the harder it is to spend time updating the blog and staying on top of posts etc. You may have noticed Ive not been posting so much recently.
I would truly love to keep on blogging Life is Beautiful posts, mainly because of the joy it is to see other people celebrating life through images. Originally I had been positing new posts every day, but now Im thinking I might have to limit it to one a week.
Im also going to be totally honest, Im running low on Life is Beautiful posts. After well over 100 posts the photos have started to slow down and I dont have so much to blog. I dont want to pressure anyone into sending me photos, as I always set up this blog with the idea that I was just a humble curator. If you would like to have your photos featured on the blog please email me at chariswarrell@gmail.com and I will get back to you with all the info you need.
Thank you so much again for choosing to support this little project. Hope your life truly is beautiful and if you don't think it is, take time to have a little look and I'm sure you'll find something to make you smile.
Happy days and lots of love x Charis
I have been following this blog for a VERY long time and I LOVE to see it in my google reader as it always does cheer me up. It would be such a shame to see it not appear anymore. There is beauty in all your lives and I know we sometimes don't see it ourselves at the time but it's most definitely there so please keep sending in your images and keep this lovely blog going. I love that you do this blog Charis. Big hugs xo