Tuesday, 31 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Emily Taylor

   1: poppy fields
   2 :making holiday memories
   3: sharing  the wonder of nature
   4: my 4 beautiful babies

   Blog: Is four too many or an even feast?
   Instagram: twintasticplus2

Monday, 30 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Lisa Devlin

  1: Lego dad
  2: The girl with the dragon tattoo
  3: Sunshine girl
  4:  Hundreds of hundreds and thousands
  Website: http://devlinphotos.co.uk/
  Twitter: @devlinphotos
  Instagram: devlinphotos
  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LisaDevlinPhotography

Friday, 27 July 2012

Life is Beautiful Friday Focus : Hello to Summer!

 1: Remembering why we chose roof-top living! (samlondonwed)
 2: Untitled (alicedaltonsmith)
 3: Untitled (evelynedesilets)
 4: Ah... Summer (kirstenmavric)

These photos, all for different reasons, made me smile this week. Along with the glorious sunshine (finally), its just so great to be able to enjoy the summer, the summer holidays, fresh air and life.
Hope you have a grand weekend, especially if you are at a celebration, whether it be a wedding, a party or the opening celebrations of the Olympic games (Go team GB!)
Have fun x x

Thanks so much to the lovely people who have contributed this week to the blog... Eliza, Laura, Naomi and Carol :D Please please dont be shy, share something of your beautiful life. It might makes someone elses day too :P x

Thursday, 26 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Carol Caveney

   1. Exciting treats
   2. Birthday cake for breakfast
   3. Little rainbows on a grey day
   4. Thank you gifts
  Website:  www.byebyebirdie.co.uk
  Twitter: @byebyebirdieuk

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Naomi Goggin

  1: A Jewish Family, Airport Bus, Tel Aviv.
  2:  Easyjet windowseat view.
  3: Tourists, St James' Park, London
  4: Streets of Palma, Mallorca

  Website: www.naomigoggin.com
  Blog: www.naomigogginblog.com
  Twitter: @naomigoggin
  Instagram: naomigoggin

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Laura Kate Thornhill

 1. Vintage tea cups - just too pretty
 2. Liverpool Sunset - some of the prettiest sunsets I have ever seen just around the corner from my house
 3. Film photography - so romantic 
 4. Waking up next to my boyfriend - I only get to do this one weekend out of the month so when I  do life is even more beautiful.
 Website: http://laurakatephotographyuk.blogspot.co.uk/
 Twitter: @thornhilllaura
 Instagram: laura_boo

Monday, 23 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Eliza Claire

1: Kids - What can I say, I adore these two, of course, and being away from them when I'm working makes the time I do spend with them so precious!
2: Clients - My couples make my heart sing, they make my job more than just a job, but a real pleasure, and I love photographing their happiest events.
3: Fresh flowers - I see lots of flowers at weddings, my favourites are peonies and vintage roses, but I also love these heavily scented stocks.
4 -:Travelling for work - This is a love/hate thing...I hate spending time away from my family and I hate the panic the day before a flight when I have to pack everything I could possibly need as I could be miles and miles from the nearest camera shop! But I love travelling, I love experiencing new customs in new places, and of course the chance to shoot in the sun is always unbeatable!

Website: http://elizaclaire.com/
Twitter: @elizacphoto

Friday, 20 July 2012

Life is Beautiful Friday Focus: Finding a bit of peace

  1: Evening stroo with beautiful light (chariswarrell)
  2: (annelimphoto)
  3: Goin in my bath this morning (sacco2photo)
  4: Some sunshine for you on a dreary day (imagesweetness)

 This week I went for an early evening stroll (photo1) and had such a beautiful time enjoying just a little peace and quiet. Funny thing is, minutes earlier, Id been at a seven year olds birthday party! Full of people, loud voices, drums and lots of laughter. That too was beautiful, but just having the time to venture up a country lane, while pushing Florrie in the pram was divine. So much so, I actually did the walk twice. Up and down the lane and then up and down again (this time with iphone in hand!).
Im going to be honest, Im quiet an introvert and its times like these that I truly long for and really need once in a while. Just having time to look, time to think, time to listen and time to take in the late evening sun was a total joy. I then returned to the party and enjoyed the busy-ness and fun again!
Just thought Id share these four images, that to me capture something of peace and time to be.
You cant beat it!
Thanks you to the lovely Stacey, Emma and Tatiana who have shared their lives this week. Hope you have a fab weekend and maybe you too can find some peace, whether it be a walk, a bath, putting your feet up for five minutes, whatever floats your boat x x

Thursday, 19 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Tatiana Mompean

   1: My home in summer, Barcelona sunday sunset
   2: Mediterranean colors, buganvilla
   3: Delicious Cupcakes
   4: My work

   Instagram: @urbanplant
   Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Urban-Plant-estudio-floral/111247775604490

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Monday, 16 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Stacey Walsh

  1: This is me on my Hen with El Mustachio! He stole a lot of hearts that night
  2: My beautiful daughter Kathryne who's smile and laughter fills my soul with joy - corny but absolutely true <3
  3: My heart melts when I look into those big eyes <3
  4: My partner in life and in crime >:)

Friday, 13 July 2012

Life is Beautiful Friday Focus: Taking the time for you

  1:  Red Chair (imagesweetness)
  2: The New Wall (emmacase)
  3: Yummy coffee and walnut cake (sacco2photo)
  4: Blanket-Part One (jen82)

Since having our little Florrie and hitting the wedding season Ive been really aware about the busyness of life. Yep, I'm sure you feel the same and you're not surprised! While looking through Instagram recently Ive seen things that make me smile, make me excited and make me want to have the time to do, make, create, be.
So Ive started myself a little project! In the evenings I sit and crotchet! (Like a grandma Owen says!) and Ive totally become obsessed and absorbed in the whole thing. Largely inspired by the lovely work in photo 4 (Thank Jen82!) Ive then spotted other things that I would love to do. These four photos, these snippets of life made me want to do more with my time, to do some things for me, that fuel my creativity. Whether it be salvaging some old furniture with a lick of paint, finally printing some of our photos and making our own little gallery, baking (always space for more cake!) and making time to create something new from scratch! I can tick one of those of my list so far!
I suppose, I want to challenge you, in a good and positive way. Do you have time for you? What do you fancy doing? Having a go at? Learning something new? Sorting something out youve been meaning to do for a while? I hope this might inspire you to take a bit of you time. I don't say this lightly, as I know how busy life can be, but I mean it wholeheartedly, hoping you can make time for you x x x Happy weekend& thanks again to all those people who have allowed me to share their lives this week.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Jo Garlicke

  1: Dinner Out (With my son's Autism, eating out is really tough but after practising to feed himself for a few weeks we all went out for supper)
  2: Sunny days (My son and I will lay in the garden, look at the sky and talk about his day)
  3: Rainy afternoons home (Discovering a love for drawing!)
  4: My two favourite boys (They are the best of friends)

 Twitter - Jo_SummerLove
 Website - www.summerlovephotography.co.uk
 Instagram - summerlovephoto

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Eddie Judd

  1: Making lemonade
  2: Hole in the wall
  3: Mini ballerina
  4: My first camera

  Website:  www.eddiejuddphotography.com
  Twitter: @eddietweet
  Instagram: eddiejudd


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Ceri Hiscott

 1. wind blown foxgloves
 2. cosy toes
 3. to complete my patchwork
 4. for the jubilee

 Twitter: @cerihiscott
 Instagram: @cerihiscott

Monday, 9 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Marianne Taylor

  1: Remembering to be mindful of the moment
  2: Always look up and beyond
  3: Above the clouds, where my head is quiet
  4: Being blessed with life-altering friends

  Twitter: @mnoo
  Instragram: @mnoo

Friday, 6 July 2012

Life is Beauitful Friday Focus: Summer we miss you!

 1: Hello Sunshine! (Devlinphotos)
 2: Its a perfect day (McKinley-Rodgers)
 3: Sunshine is delicious (Alphabetbags)
 4: Not so grim up North, Fingers hugely crossed for my couples wedding day tomorrow (Bride and Glory)
Sheesh, Its July and Im not sure weve had anything remotely like a summer yet. Ive worn chunky knits and fur lined boots this week! It even got so bad last week, we made the most of a free weekend and travelled from one side of the country to the other where we found some lovely weather, plus some awesome friends too! (certainly worth it!)
I thought todays Friday Focus would be a homage to the sun! Hopefully it might get the hint, take note and come join us this July!
There is something about the sun on your face, the sun through your hair and being able to breathe in slightly warmer air.
Lucky for me, living on the coast, when the sun shines we can stroll on down to the beach, we can enjoy a very fresh and clear blue, which you might not see in land.
Todays photos are a reminder that the sun will shine again and the beach isnt that far away!
Hope the sun shines for you soon and you can get out and make the most of it, whether you live near the coast or in the city.
Thank you to the lovely people who so kindly let me use your fab photos today and to the very lovely Anushe, Sarah, Debs and Chipper for sharing their lives this week. Happy weekend, what ever you get up to  x x

Oh, and while I remember, when you do think of something that makes you smile, dont forget the hastag #lifeisbeautiful (its not my invention, but its so great to see it floating around Twitter, makes the place seem that bit happier!) X

Thursday, 5 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Chipper Nelly

    1: Taste of summer
    2: Welcome
    3: Red geraniums in a crate
    4: Crochet bunting = addictive

    Website: Chipper Nelly

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Alexa Loy

   1: Kettles Yard, Cambridge.  Ring the bell to enter a peaceful haven.
   2: Rainy puddles
   3:Monmouth coffee in the morning
   4: Juxtaposed, backstreets of Kings Cross

   Twitter is @lexyloy
   Instagram @lexaloy
   Website www.alexa-loy.com

My Life is Beautiful: Debs Ivelja

 1 - New beginnings
 2 - Sunsets in New Zealand
 3 - Unwinding
 4 - Pockets of paradise in the city

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Sarah Deragon

    1. Princess cupcake
    2. Holga time
    3. Love my city, San Francisco
    4. Meows x 2

   Website - http://portraitstothepeople.com
   Blog -http://portraitstothepeople.blogspot.com

Monday, 2 July 2012

My Life is Beautiful: Anushe Low

  1. Playground time
  2. The London Eye
  3. Trains, and boats and planes
  4. Irena and Graffiti in Athens
  Website: Anushe Low 
  Twitter: @anushelow