1: Reach up and breathe
2: Whisky adventures
3: A good meal out
4: Waking up to our holiday views
Hey there lovely people. Hope you are great and this weekend gives you many a reason to be glad.
Wanted to write a little post for a couple of reasons. One to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you for the support, encouragement and of course, posts and photos of your beautiful lives.
Im loving seeing your beautiful photos and feel excited and inspired every time some new images land in my inbox.
The other reason for blogging today is to let you know the blog needs more posts. I'm down to a few posts, but would truly love to keep the blog running for longer. I cant do it without your beautiful lives, as at the end of the day I consider myself just a "curator" of a gallery of life (sorry that sounds so pompous, dont mean it to, but hope that makes sense)
I have had so many gorgeous emails from people telling me how the blog cheers people up and makes them smile. Its also been a great way to share and learn about other people. I feel I probably should make it clear that the blog isnt just for photographers. Its for anyone who enjoys capturing life through Instagram. Id love it if you felt you could spread the word to your friends. In my head, I just really felt we needed to be focused on the beauty in our lives, rather than the negatives, which at times are easy to take time mulling over.
If you would like to share your life here on the blog please email me at charis@oacphotography.com and I will send you through an email that explains the best way to get your photos over to me.
Please spread the word, RT on Twitter and dont be scared. Your beautiful life is worth sharing. Its exciting to see and Im grateful for anyone who has and will share their captures with me and the people that take time to enjoy the blog.
Also, while I remember. You may have been one of the people who has shared photos already. Please please feel free to share some more. Ive not put a stopper on how many times you can share your images. If you've got something to share that makes you smile, that makes you glad and is beautiful to you, then its most likely beautiful and inspiring to others.
Love to you all and again, thank you for taking the time and thought into being part of this blog.
x x Charis